Author: David


Steamcon June22-2019

Yesterday the iCREATE staff went to Steamcon at Sachem library. They made the signage and educated kids/adults about the ideas we have for innovation and entrepreneurship. The pac – man maze was a bit...


iCREATE Research

iCREATE at Stony Brook has been looking for innovative ideas to do research that could be interactive, fun and exciting.   This has been a goal for us from the start of the area, how...


PGA golf at Bethpage

This week the PGA golf Tournament is at Bethpage NY on Long Island during the week of May 15-19, 2019. This is a great publicity for the public golf course on Long Island. I...


Life of a French Fry

A story from a French Fry perspective. I started my life as growing under the ground. It was warm and safe in the brown dirt. Every other day some water would come from above...


Epcot Flower and Garden Festival

The Epcot Flower and Garden festival was from middle April through the beginning of June in 2019. We were lucky enough to visit this festival when the topiaries were all setup through out the...


Flowers and Photos in Florida

The guide from yesterday included a great selection of flowers for us to see, I hadn’t realized how beautiful different flowers could be when you zoom in on them with you camera. We were...


SBU EarthStock 2019

This past week was Stony Brook University Earthstock 2019, it was held in the student activities center but the excitement in the room that you felt from the jugglers, green costumes to the energy...



Today was an interesting day, I walked outside in the sunshine to take a break at the office. I left the office for a short walk the sun was shining and the air was...