Category: Leadership


Communications in organizations

Communications is key to organization success. I have heard from leaders that they communicate through meetings and let there employees know what they are suppose to do. This is not what I mean when...


Culture is vital in organizations

Good afternoon , I run a small department called iCREATE but the beating heart of the department is the culture that is within everything we do on a day-to-day basis this culture is the...


iCREATE Staff development

We conducted our iCREATE staff development this week, our student staff was able to gain the updated knowledge to be ready for the first day of classes at Stony Brook University, next Monday. It’s...


SBU EarthStock 2019

This past week was Stony Brook University Earthstock 2019, it was held in the student activities center but the excitement in the room that you felt from the jugglers, green costumes to the energy...