Tagged: #techology


Culture is vital in organizations

Good afternoon , I run a small department called iCREATE but the beating heart of the department is the culture that is within everything we do on a day-to-day basis this culture is the...

iPhone 11 0

iPhone 11

I purchased an iPhone 11 to replace my iPhone 6s which had been having battery issues and randomly been turning itself off and on during the normal day. Since I have it I begin...


ICREATE Feb 2020

It’s the end of the first month of the Spring 2020 semester at Stony Brook at university. Here is a quick list of exciting projects we are working on to benefit the campus students...


January 2020 iCREATE

ICREATE has had a dynamic busy winter break and start of the semester. Over the winter break we had a few things that we wanted to accomplish and the awesome team worked together to...


Technology workshops

iCREATE has always felt training and workshops to be core mission in offering innovative technology services and entrepreneurial spirit to the Stony Brook University. This Fall we implemented a workshop that the iCREATE leads...


Technology workshops

iCREATE has always felt training and workshops to be core mission in offering innovative technology services and entrepreneurial spirit to the Stony Brook University. This Fall we implemented a workshop that the iCREATE leads...

Benefits of commUniversity 2019

Yesterday was Stony Brook University commUniversity Day 2019, were the community is invited to campus and Stony Brook departments are outside highlighting what the offer to the community. I Lead the Discovery zone which...