Review of Microsoft Keyboard

March 23, 2019

I have been looking for a keyboard for my iPAD for the past few years. I tried the Microsoft Foldable Bluetooth Keyboard from Microsoft and it has become the best investment.

Microsoft Foldable Bluetooth Keyboard

I started to look at keyboard a few years ago when everyone started to try the Microsoft Surface and began bringing laptops to meetings. I am not a fan of brining a computer to a meeting your focus is always drawn away from the reason we are getting together and I wanted something lightweight. I have found the iPAD to be the perfect work tool but needed a keyboard for those times when you needed to type a longer email or thought. I started looking at the Bluetooth wireless keyboard that came with Mac machines since we had extra in the office but they were bulky. I then tried a Logitech keyboard that a colleague had but my fingers were just two big and I clicked on two keys at the same time. Apple released its keyboard which I thought would be a perfect companion. I went to the apple store to try it and my fingers were to big again. I was frustrated and gave up the search about a year ago.

At the end of January I needed a keyboard to accompany my iPad because traveling there are times where typing on the iPad is inconvenient. This is when the Microsoft Keyboard came up in a number of reviews but the price was expensive. Luckily, I thought if it will work it would be worth the investment. I purchased it and it’s wonderful. Here is why I find it useful (even using it to write this post). The keyboard is lightweight only a few ounces, the keys are set apart at the right distance for larger hands. The fold in the middle with missing keys some could say its distracting but I find it keeps my fingers at the right positions for touch typing. It’s compatible with both Android and Apple devices. The feel of the keys is like you are on a regular keyboard in my office. The responsiveness and their is a slight clicking as you type which is very helpful in giving you the tactile feel we have all come to expect from keyboards. It’s ultra portable with the fold I can stick it in my back pocket (well almost), throw it in my bag with my iPad.

I recommend everyone to should own for their portable devices (even works with my phone). The perfect companion for us who travel and need a lightweight almost full keyboard.

Check it out here. Microsoft Foldable Bluetooth keyboard

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