My name is David Ecker, I am a leader, innovator and a technology specialist. I have a multiple degree in computer science and technology/innovation, with 20+ years experience dealing with this on a day to day basis, I plan to share with you my thoughts and what is the best way to express what is happening in the leadership and technology field. Our focus would be how to bring meaning to what is happening. I am not always going to get it right but I hope to share as much expertise that I can.
The NY Innovation blog is place where I can share my expertise my though on leadership, technology and stories. By you learning from what I have learned can ensure you will be a better leader and technological expert, by working in technology leadership their are lots of challenges by following me my goal is to give you the expertise to move up in your organization.
Technological change is an area that has interested me for years and continues to spark a passion from within. We sometimes don’t notice how change is happening but we should be aware of the subtle differences that may have major impact on our view of society.
I am available for consulting, coaching and assisting with any projects that you might endeavor to start. Please reach out by filling out this form also feel free to answer any questions that arise,
Twitter: @davidvecker